状態に黄色とピンクの蛍光ペンの書き込みがあります写真枚目参照表紙裏表紙に擦れがあり使用感があります黄ばみや破れ折れや目立った汚れはありませんカテゴリー本雑誌漫画本洋書商品の状態 振込後の確認作業は、銀行の業務の一環です。
【The fourth edition】 The Peoples of the British Isles
Thomas William Weyck
Meredith Veldman
Oxford University Press
The Peoples of the British Isles examines the conflicts and commonalities among the peoples of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales from prehistoric times to the present. The series focuses throughout on the lives of real people-how they made a living, organized their society and institutions, related to each other, and understood themselves and their world.
The new edition of these books features a fuller treatment of the Celtic countries and expanded and integrated content on both popular culture and the changing roles of women in society throughout history. Volume I covers the development of the Four Nations of the British Isles from the prehistoric era up to the revolution of 1688.
p.1-279 に黄色とピンクの蛍光ペンの書き込みがあります。(写真6,7枚目参照)
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